Have A Discolored Tooth? Know Your Options

Do you have a single tooth that is discolored and causing you to feel embarrassed about your smile? If so, you're likely looking for ways that you can fix it. Visit your dentist for a consultation and learn about the following options to improve the color of your tooth.

Teeth Whitening

One option that your dentist will consider is teeth whitening. This can be done in a few ways, but the most powerful whitening method will involve having the dentist handle the procedure. A special bleaching agent will be applied to the tooth and activated with a laser. The dentist checks to see if it is the desired shade of whiteness, and if not, repeat the process. It provides instant results that you'll see the day that you leave the dentist office, making it a fast and appealing option for many dental patients.

However, teeth whitening will not work if the problem is not with the surface of the tooth. It is possible that the tooth has some sort of problem that need to be treated and fixed with another method

Dental Veneers

You can actually cover up the surface of the tooth using a dental veneer. It is a thin shell that it attached to the front surface of the tooth, and helps cover up the imperfections that are bothering you. The process involves making the front surface of the tooth a bit rough so that the veneer can stick to it, which means removing a thin layer of enamel on the tooth.

Some patients do not like installing a veneer because it causes physical damage to the tooth to fix a cosmetic problem. The veneer must also be maintained over the years and replaced if it becomes damaged.

Dental Crown

The tooth may have become discolored due to a problem with the tooth that needs to be fixed. For example, a root canal may be necessary to deal with a tooth that has significant decay. Once the root of the problem has been addressed, you can use a dental crown to cover up the tooth. The crown not only helps save the tooth from becoming damaged, but covers up the entire surface so that it has a nice color that matches the surrounding teeth.

Don't think that you can fix your discolored tooth with home whitening solutions that won't work. Visit your dentist for an expert opinion on how to fix it.

About Me

Tips to Help With Pediatric Dental Anxiety

My child's first visit to the dentist was the stuff that nightmares are made of. She kicked. She screamed. By the end of the visit, she and I were exhausted. After talking to the dentist in a separate consultation, I learned some useful tips for helping her to prepare for her next visit. The dentist assured me the next visit would be better and it was. I started this blog to help other parents whose children are dealing with dental anxiety. With useful information from my dentist and other parents, you can learn techniques to make the visit to the dentist more exciting for your children.



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